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Community Support

Anna Coit Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded annually to a student pursuing further education in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, or related areas. More details are available on our Scholarship page.

Civic Development

The club maintains gardens and plantings at the Village Green, the Town Hall,  the Clock Garden opposite, and at the Grange.

Every winter, the club purchases, and members decorate, evergreen wreaths to enhance public buildings and locations in North Stonington. You will see them at Town Hall, Wheeler Library, and many other special places in town.

Community Grants

As funding permits, the club awards grants to other non-profit organizations for community and civic improvement projects relating to gardening and conservation, as well as projects that educate the public about gardening, horticulture, and conservation.

Examples of projects that were awarded funding support in recent years:

  • Ashaway Free Library (to create an educational vegetable garden on its grounds)
  • Avalonia Land Conservancy (toward acquisition of Babcock Ridge Preserve, and for interpretive signage at Tri-Town Preserve)
  • Coogan Farm (contribution to acquisition by Denison Pequotspos Nature Center).
  • Eastern Connecticut Community Gardens Association (to support their ongoing efforts to encourage community gardens)
  • Friends of Chikumbuso (for seeds and supplies for their educational garden in Lukasa, Zambia)
  • GOSA  (toward aquisition   of Avery Farm Preserve in Groton, and subsequently for installation of a pollinator garden) 
  • Moriarty Magnet School (to install a monarch waystation)
  • New London Homeless Hospitality Center (to install raised beds for clients to raise vegetables for the Center’s meals programs)
  • North Stonington’s Hewitt Farm (grants for signage, fencing, and a composting toilet).
  • Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center (to install a community garden)
  • Wheeler Library (for their building fund)
  • Riverside Children’s Center (for a tree planting program)
  • UConn’s Avery Point campus (toward installation of a childrens cognitive garden)
  • United War Veterans Grand Army of the Republic (to install landscaping at Buckingham  House historic home and museum)
  • West Vine Street School (for garden journals)

Community Education

Volunteers from the club offer award-winning programs on gardening, horticulture and related topics in our local schools. The club also funds a Scholarship.


The club actively supports conservation efforts and conservation organizations within the region.

In 2023 we made donations  to Connecticut College Arboretum, Denison-Pequotsepos Nature Center,  F.R.E.S.H. New london, Hewitt farm, Stephen Main Homestead, and the Wheeler High School Activity Fund. The 1024 budget includes donations to these organizations, plus  Avalonia land Conservancy, Wheeler Library, and Wilcox Park.

in 2019, we initiated a 3-year program to establish and expand habitat for monarch butterflies within North Stonington and surrounding communities. We are currently an active supporter of the Town of North Stonington’s Pollinator Pathway Project. Follow us on Facebook or contact us for more information about these programs.

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